• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Peaklands

73 The Avenue, Fareham, Hampshire, PO14 1PE (01329) 238946

Provided and run by:
Hampshire and Isle of Wight Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

All Inspections

4 February 2014

During a routine inspection

Peaklands has four people living there. On the day of our visit three people were at the home. Staff told us that one of the people was at day services and that three of the people had lived at the home for over six years. We saw that people looked happy and relaxed in the presence of staff. One person told us 'that the staff were very nice' and that 'the staff are very good to me.'

We looked around the home which was clean, comfortably furnished and free from unpleasant odours. All the bedrooms were single occupancy; one of the bedrooms had an ensuite bathroom. There was also a shared bathroom and shower room. We saw that bedrooms were personalised with people's own furniture, books, TV's and pictures.

We spoke with two of the people who lived at Peaklands and we also spoke with three staff including the registered manager and support coordinator. We also spoke with a relative who was visiting one of the people who lived at the home. We saw staff treated people in a sensitive, respectful and professional manner and involved individuals in the running of the home.

7 March 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with two people who used the service. We made observations of interactions between the people who used the service and staff. People told us about the community activities they were involved in and how they could make their own decisions about what to do and when. One person said, "Staff help me I like going out shopping and for a meal." People said they were happy living at Peaklands and didn't have any complaints.

People knew about their care plans, or had been involved in discussions with staff about their care and support. People said they liked the meals and were able to choose what they had to eat. People told us they like their rooms, the home was well maintained and always clean and tidy.

People told us they thought there were sufficient staff on duty and this was confirmed from records viewed.

The quality monitoring systems were effective and ensured the service was monitored and good standards maintained for people.