- NHS mental health service
Archived: Hesketh Centre
All Inspections
21 August 2013
During a routine inspection
The patients we spent time with spoke highly of the staff and told us they felt valued. Overall, patients felt their privacy and dignity was respected. One patient said, 'They [staff] all make sure they speak with you in private.' Patients were positive about the treatment and care on the ward. A patient said, 'They take good care of my physical needs and are always checking on me.'
There was effective care coordination between health and social care services. Patients were allocated a care coordinator as soon as possible after admission and there were arrangements in place to ensure delays with discharge or delayed transfers of care were minimised.
Appropriate systems were in place for medicines management and patients told us they received their medication at a time when they needed it. Plans were in place to review the arrangements for obtaining medicines for people being discharged from the ward or for patients taking leave from the ward.
Effective processes were in place for on-going assessment and monitoring of the quality and safety of the services provided at the Hesketh Centre.