- NHS mental health service
Adult Mental Health Services - Newham Directorate
All Inspections
30, 31 January 2014
During a routine inspection
We spoke individually with patients on all the wards we inspected. Some were detained under the Mental Health Act and others were informal. They told us they understood the care and treatment choices available to them. One person who was detained said "they gave me a leaflet explaining my rights when I came here."
Most of the patients we spoke with were positive about the staff and the care they had received. Patients on Opal ward made comments including 'I feel that staff listen to me', and 'I have regular one to one sessions'.
All staff we spoke with said they felt well supported by the Trust. They said they had monthly one to one supervision and access to monthly reflective practice group sessions.
We saw information was displayed on public notice boards on the wards detailing how to make a complaint, including how to contact Patients Advice and Liaison Service (PALS), advocacy and CQC. All people we spoke with told us they were aware of how to make a complaint and most said if they had a complaint they would probably go to their ward manager or allocated nurse in the first instance.
People's personal records including medical records that we looked at were mostly accurate and fit for purpose.
25 November 2010
During a routine inspection
People using the inpatient service knew about advocacy services and how to access them. There were a range of therapeutic activities on the ward, and people in the community receive support in accessing employment and education. People using the service told us that they are visited by their community care team whilst they were in hospital.
People using inpatient services thought the food was 'okay', and a range of meals to meet different needs and preferences were available. Information about the complaints procedure is clearly displayed on wards and in Community Mental Health Team offices. We found the hospital environment to be clean and well maintained.