19, 21 February 2013
During a routine inspection
We spoke with four trained nurses, the general manager of one business unit and a member of the safeguarding team. We also spoke with the Chief Nurse / Head of Operations and the Chief Executive of the trust. We looked at some records and other information that was provided to us by the trust.
We found that the staff we spoke with were open, friendly and willing to engage in our inspection process.
We saw that patient's needs were assessed and their care planned and clearly documented.
Staff told us they felt supported to do their job and we saw both mandatory and specialist training had been put in place.
The trust had systems and processes for monitoring the quality of care. Some members of the public who had used the various services provided by the trust had been invited to share their experience with the trust governing board.
Incident reporting was seen to be robust and the trust board took an active approach in investigating serious untoward incidents. As a result of this, risks to patients were reduced.