3, 4 November 2014
During a themed inspection looking at Offender Healthcare
We spoke with NHS England who commissioned the service provided by Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust. They told us they did not have any concerns about the services provided at HMP Manchester at the time of our inspection.
The Trust provided primary health care services, an inpatient facility and mental health in reach services at the prison. The Trust had provided services within the prison for the last 18 months.
We observed a good range of health promotion literature available in the healthcare centre and on wings that informed patients of what health services were available in the prison.
There were systems in place for reporting, recording and monitoring significant events.
Formal care planning for some prisoners with complex health needs required further development.
Staff supervision and the uptake of mandatory training for nurses needs to be improved and developed.
Quality monitoring arrangements were good but complaints and arrangements in respect of medicines management need further development.