• Mental Health
  • NHS mental health service

Michael Carlisle Centre

75 Osborne Road, Nether Edge, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S11 9BF (0114) 271 6310

Provided and run by:
Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust

All Inspections

Other CQC inspections of services

Community & mental health inspection reports for Michael Carlisle Centre can be found at Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust. Each report covers findings for one service across multiple locations

15 September 2011

During an inspection looking at part of the service

During our inspection visit in January 2011 we talked to a number of patients on both acute mental health wards at this location. Comments were generally positive about aspects of their care. Please see the January 2011 report for this location.

During our inspection visit in September 2011 our focus was to review compliance actions previously identified in January. We talked to one patient on Burbage ward who told us they had been 'more than happy' with their overall care. The patient was particularly impressed by the 'compassion and approachability of staff'.

6 January 2011

During a routine inspection

A range of information was obtained that demonstrated how the provider ensures people who use services are involved in decisions about services and how their views are obtained. Submissions from the Sheffield LiNK (local involvement network) demonstrated how the provider has worked with and involved LiNK participants in influencing the city wide strategy for improving mental health services in Sheffield. For example, the LiNK participants work on recovery wards had been fed back to managers and staff, leading to changes in care in respect of service users' sexuality, spirituality and problems with social interaction. The LiNK has been involved in the quality reporting process with the provider and stated 'we are pleased with how we have been engaged in this and we will possibly be doing some joint enter and view visits.

A large number of comments were provided by people who use services on the site visit conducted 6 January 2011 to Burbage and Stanage wards. A small selection include:

"no complaints, apart from lack of resources. It's a good ward and I'm getting better".

"no complaints, apart from lack of resources. It's a good ward and I'm getting better".

'I find I have been treated really good here, staff were courteous, respectful and all that'.

'I really believe they are really lovely staff. I couldn't do their job and be as calm and patient as them'.

'My experience is that I have had a brilliant time here, in comparison to other services they are brilliant'.

'had to fight to keep plan I'd formulated on another ward. The move here set me back a week'.

"Xmas was marvellous - 10/10, but sometimes just get sausage roll and beans. We can make our own".

'Too many people than beds. Come back from leave and there's no bed. One patient's been in 6 weeks and had 4 different rooms'.