- NHS mental health service
Forest Lodge
All Inspections
14 January 2014
During a routine inspection
We talked with eight patients on the assessment and rehabilitation wards. They told us they were happy at the service, happy with the care they received, liked the staff who looked after them, and that the unit was kept clean and tidy. Some comments captured included, 'Everything is how it should be,' 'I'm happy being here,' 'The meals are alright here,' 'The staff are helpful and play games with you,' 'Education is good here 'I'm learning maths' and 'It's cool here.'
We found staff were adequately supported because they received regular training sessions, supervision and an annual appraisal.
We found there were effective systems to regularly assess and monitor the quality of service that patients receive.
We found there was a complaints process in place.
19 November 2010
During a routine inspection
The team governance report obtained for Forest Lodge explained a large range of ways people who use services are involved and views obtained, for example, a 'diversity and cultural group' and 'service user involvement group' had been used to gain opinions so issues raised would be addressed. A range of social inclusion, vocational rehabilitation and recovery activity development was maintained at Forest Lodge. For example, a number of patients had been attracted to joining the 'allotment group', which had allowed people who use services to make good links with those under the care of the Sheffield Outreach team (SORT).