Updated 10 June 2021
This is the first time we rated this trust overall. We rated it as good because:
- There were arrangements to manage safety incidents and complaints to ensure these were adequately investigated, learning was identified and necessary changes to practice made.
- The premises and equipment were clean and well maintained; infection risks were well controlled.
- Staff managed medicines were in line with legislation and national guidance.
- Accurate and accessible patient records supported staff to give safe care.
- Generally, there were enough staff with the qualifications, skills and experience to meet patient needs.
- There was a programme of mandatory training but not all staff had completed this. Staff were competent although not all had received an appraisal of their performance.
- Staff delivered care and treatment were in line with national and recognised standards and guidance. Audit systems checked care was given in the best way and resulted in positive patient outcomes.
- Patients received enough food and drink and any pain they experienced was managed.
- Arrangements for consent took account of the needs of those who lacked capacity to give consent and followed relevant legislation.
- Feedback from patients and their families was positive and they were treated with dignity and respect.
- The trust worked collaboratively with partners in the Frimley Integrated Care System to provide joined up services that met the needs of the local population and of individuals, including those with disabilities or protected characteristics.
- Senior leaders and managers at all levels in the trust had the right skills and abilities to run a service, a vision for what they wanted to achieve and workable plans to turn it into action. They promoted a positive culture and created a sense of common purpose based on well understood organisational values.
- The trust had effective systems for identifying and mitigating operational risks through risk registers.
- The trust collected, analysed, managed and used information well to support all its activities and to monitor its own performance.
- Midwifery staffing was a concern as staffing shortages meant one to one care in labour was not always achieved and staff felt pressured.
- The trust lacked a systematic and coordinated approach to quality improvement although there were examples of good practice.
- The trust did not have an effective system for identifying or managing and controlling strategic risks
- The trust did not have a consistent or embedded approach to engaging patients and hearing their views and experiences although there were some examples of good practice.