- Care home
Hebburn Manor
Report from 9 December 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
Date of assessment 7 January to 15 January 2025 Hebburn Manor is a residential home providing nursing care and support to older people, including people who may live with dementia, people with nursing needs and younger adults. At our last assessment, we identified a breach of regulation for governance and records. At this assessment, improvements had been made, and the provider was no longer in breach of regulation. Since the last assessment, the registered manager had introduced improvements to the service, including to records to ensure staff had guidance to meet people’s needs in a safe and person-centred way. Staff spoke very positively about working at the service and the people they cared for. There were sufficient trained staff who worked well with other professionals to ensure people's needs were met. Staff supported people safely and treated them with kindness and compassion. However, improvements were needed to ensure all people were kept engaged in the top floor lounge, if they wished. We advised further improvements could be made to people’s dining experience to ensure people who may live with dementia were involved in decision making about a choice of meal. People, relatives and staff spoke positively about the service and management.
People's experience of this service
People and relatives were complimentary about the care provided by staff. They said staff were kind, caring and supportive of people and their families. Their comments included, “Staff are kind and patient, they are as good as gold”, “I’m very comfortable, it is a nice happy place” and “You get to know the staff, they are like friends.” Staff, people and relatives were very positive about the improvements that had been made at the service. A staff member told us, “It has really improved. There have been massive changes, better organised, better atmosphere, good teamwork, and better interaction with people.” There were enough competent staff to meet people’s needs safely. A person commented, “Help is readily available” and “I think there are enough staff, they take their time, and we have a laugh.” People told us they felt safe, staff knew them well and they felt confident to raise any concerns. A person commented, “It is making me happy being here, I was very down when I had my stroke, gradually I got to know them, (staff) I went back to my normal, happy self.” People received a varied diet. People and relative’s comments included, “The food, is tasty, there is enough. You can snack whenever you like” and “[Name] eats very well, they have put on weight.” There were enough competent staff to meet people’s needs safely. People told us, “I do trust the staff when I needed them, they were there” and “Staff are well- trained, very capable, and I get the help I need.” People had access to activities and entertainment to support their health and well-being. Their comments included, ‘We have entertainment, a singer and exercises”, “There was lots to do at Christmas, it was very good. School children came in” and “They (staff) let us know if there is entertainment.” People told us they were listened to; they were supported to make choices and were involved in decision making about their care and support. A person told us, "Staff know what I like but I still make choices"