- Care home
Bowland Lodge
Report from 11 September 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
Date of assessment 19 September to 7 November 2024. We found 1 continuing breach of regulations in relation to good governance. The provider’s quality assurance systems were still not always effectively identifying and addressing issues. For example, care records did not always contain accurate or consistent information on people, and this had not been identified or addressed by the provider. The provider was not always effective in identifying and addressing potential risks to people. Staff were mostly positive about the home and the support provided by the registered manager. However, staff had not always received the training they needed to carry out their roles effectively. Medicines management had improved since our last inspection, but some issues were still ongoing and further and sustained improvement was needed. Improvements had been made to the safety of the premises since our last inspection. The provider had an ongoing refurbishment plan to improve the environment of the home. Infection prevention and control had improved, and the premises were clean and tidy.
People's experience of this service
Most people said they were happy with their care and spoke positively about staff at the service. However, our assessment found the provider’s governance processes did not meet expected standards, which impacted on areas such as people’s care records and medicine management. People told us they felt the service had improved since our last inspection.