We saw staff respect people's privacy and dignity throughout our visit. Staff talked to people in a way that respected them as a person so helping to ensure their well being. We saw that people were offered choices about what they wanted to do and what they wanted to eat and drink.People told us: 'It's a lovely home, the staff are good.'
'I'm here temporary but I would like to make this my permanent home.'
"I was very poorly when I came here but I am a lot better now."
'Sometimes people are left for a while before being taken to the toilet but if I need a bed pan in the night, staff always come."
'Staff accompany me to hospital appointments if my family can't go with me.'
Relatives said 'It's very good here, the staff seem good and the food is ok.'
'It's brilliant here, much better than when my relative was in hospital.'
Records sampled included the information that staff would need to know how to support people to meet their needs. Other professionals are involved in people's care where needed and staff follow their advice to ensure the person's well being.
We saw that staff interacted well with people and ensured their safety and well being.
One person told us: "There is nothing for me to do.' We saw that some people were engaged in activities but other people spent time asleep or with not much to do. A programme of varied activities is organised and several people told us they took part in these. One person said: "A keyboard player comes in and plays the music we like. The food is quite nice and we get a variety. It's not like being at home but I make the best of it.' Other people said they did not enjoy the activities provided. One relative said, "My relative is well looked after but there is not much going on here ' everyone seems to be asleep.' However another relative said, 'My relative is really different since they have been here. The activity worker has brought abilities out of her that I didn't know she had. She has gained weight and can walk on her own with a frame."
Staff knew how to safeguard people from harm and how to report appropriately any abuse or bad practice.
Staff would benefit from more knowledge about legislation that ensures that people who do not have the mental capacity to make decisions about their welfare and safety are kept safe from harm.
Staff told us that they have the training they need to support the people living there and are well supported in their role.
One person told us: "Any concerns I have raised have been dealt with and I am happy with this."
We saw that the views of the people living there, their relatives and staff are listened to. Where needed improvements are made to the home as a result of this.
Staff told us that the managers listen to them and they are supportive and approachable. They said and we observed throughout the day that the home is well run in the best interests of the people living there.