- Independent mental health service
St Andrews Healthcare Northampton
Report from 14 January 2025 assessment
Staff did not always receive regular supervision. At the time of our inspection only 59% of clinical staff were up to date with their supervision requirements on Sycamore ward and 72% on Hawkins ward. Not all staff were up to date with mandatory training and there were a number of areas with low compliance and that did not meet the providers target. We found that basic life support had a compliance of 30% on Hawkins ward and 36% on Sycamore ward, with a number of other areas under 75% compliance. The service did not always have enough permanent staff who knew patients well and relied on the use of bank an agency staff. There were restrictive practices in place on Hawkins ward in relation vape times. However staff assessed risk well and followed good practice with respect to safeguarding. Staff developed holistic, recovery-orientated care plans informed by comprehensive assessment. Patients told us they were involved in planning their care. Ward environments were well-maintained and fit for purpose.