26 January 2022
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We found the following examples of good practice.
We observed staff following good infection prevention and control practices including appropriate use of personal protective equipment (PPE) in line with government guidance to reduce the risk of infection.
Uvedale Hall Residential Home was clean and hygienic throughout with increased cleaning taking place across all aspects of the building. Windows and doors were observed to be open to support with ventilation in the home.
Lateral flow tests were being used in line with government guidance, and staff were routinely completing Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests which decreased the risks of infection being present without detection.
People were being supported to receive visits from their family, friends and/ or representatives and these were being completed in line with current government guidance.
Vaccination records were monitored and stored by the registered manager for people, staff and regular visitors. Where visiting professionals attend the service their vaccination status was checked on arrival.
Feedback from people who lived in the home and staff was that there were enough staff to meet people’s needs. The registered manager advised that they currently had no workforce pressures and had been able to recruit when needed.
The registered manager advised they rarely had to use agency staff as they were able to utilise exisiting ‘bank’ staff to cover shifts, sickness and holidays or extra staff as and when needed. ‘Bank’ staff are a pool of people trained to the providers standards that can be called on to provide additional cover.
On the occasions where agency staff had been used the registered manager utilised a ‘preferred’ agency whose staff had worked in the home before and were familiar with the people who lived there and how the provider operated.