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  • Homecare service

PHC Huddersfield Branch

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

St Johns Resource Centre, 29 St Johns Road, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD1 5DX 07449 982491

Provided and run by:
Passion Home Care Ltd

Report from 31 December 2024 assessment

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Updated 24 January 2025

Caring – this means we looked for evidence the provider involved people and treated them with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect. This is the first assessment for this newly registered service. This key question has been rated good. This meant people were supported and treated with dignity and respect; and involved as partners in their care.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Kindness, compassion and dignity

Score: 3

The provider always treated people with kindness, empathy and compassion and respected their privacy and dignity. People and relatives confirmed staff were kind, caring and respectful towards people. A person said, “We always have a laugh together, always have a giggle. I get on well with them all.” A relative said, “They put [family member] at ease. The way they are with [family member] is brilliant.” Staff also felt people were treated with dignity and respect. One staff member said, “We have a good rapport with all clients and open and honest communication with them.”

Treating people as individuals

Score: 3

The provider treated people as individuals and made sure people’s care, support and treatment met people’s needs and preferences. They took account of people’s strengths, abilities, aspirations, culture and unique backgrounds and protected characteristics. People and relatives gave positive feedback. A person commented, “I feel they really can tell what is happening with me. They are all very good.” A relative said, “They have [family member’s] best interests at heart. I have no problems with them.” Staff were focused on treating people as individuals and providing personalised care. A staff member told us, “We listen to them [people] and respect their personal needs and wishes.”

Independence, choice and control

Score: 3

The provider promoted people’s independence, so people knew their rights and had choice and control over their own care, treatment and wellbeing. Staff supported people to maintain as much independence as possible. A staff member said, “I always allow the service user to carry out tasks as far as possible within their capabilities without rushing them, this encourages them to be more independent.” Care plans described what people were able and wanted to do for themselves. This helped staff to promote people’s independence.

Responding to people’s immediate needs

Score: 3

The provider listened to and understood people’s needs, views and wishes. Staff responded to people’s needs in the moment and acted to minimise any discomfort, concern or distress. A relative confirmed staff were responsive and let them know if there were any concerns. A relative told us, “If anything seems not right they will contact me.” Staff confirmed they were able to meet people’s needs in a timely way. A staff member commented, “If we note any concerning side effects we either call 111, 999 and the family for immediate support.”

Workforce wellbeing and enablement

Score: 3

The provider cared about and promoted the wellbeing of their staff and supported and enabled staff to always deliver person-centred care. Staff confirmed they were well supported and listened to. A staff member told us, “I feel I am fully supported well in everything. Whenever I need assistance from management or staff members, they assist me so well.” The provider gave staff regular opportunities to discuss their role and wellbeing. This included regular one to one supervision sessions and appraisals with their manager.