- Homecare service
PHC Huddersfield Branch
Report from 31 December 2024 assessment
On this page
- Overview
- Person-centred Care
- Care provision, Integration and continuity
- Providing Information
- Listening to and involving people
- Equity in access
- Equity in experiences and outcomes
- Planning for the future
Responsive – this means we looked for evidence the provider met people’s needs. This is the first assessment for this newly registered service. This key question has been rated good. This meant people’s needs were met through good organisation and delivery.
This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.
Person-centred Care
The provider made sure people were at the centre of their care and treatment choices and they decided, in partnership with people, how to respond to any relevant changes in people’s needs. People and relatives confirmed staff provided personalised care. A person said, “[Staff] are good. The carers are very patient. When I have a shower they are very patient.” Another relative told us, “They are really good, they have been good since we first got them.” Staff understood the importance of person-centred care and aimed to provide this. A staff member commented, “[The service] offers personalised care and is person centred. Hence each and every service user is receiving tailor made care respecting their personal needs and choices.”
Care provision, Integration and continuity
The provider understood the diverse health and care needs of people and their local communities, so care was joined-up, flexible and supported choice and continuity. People and relatives confirmed staff supported them to be in control and people were supported to make informed choices about how they wanted to be cared for.
Providing Information
The provider supplied appropriate, accurate and up-to-date information in formats that were tailored to individual needs. The provider followed the requirements of the Accessible information standard. Care plans described people’s preferred communication style and provided information for staff about how to support people with communication. The provider gave examples of how information had been adapted to suit individual people, such as providing information in large print or different languages where required.
Listening to and involving people
The provider made it easy for people to share feedback and ideas, or raise complaints about their care, treatment and support. Staff involved people in decisions about their care and told them what had changed as a result. People and relatives told us staff listened to their views and changes how they provided care accordingly. A person said, “If I have got anything different or special I want doing. [Staff] just get on and do it for me.” Staff confirmed people were consulted and involved in deciding how their care should be provided. This ensured they provided care people really wanted. A staff member told us, “I support people to be independent by encouraging them, communicating, not rushing to do things for them [before checking with the person first].”
Equity in access
The provider made sure that people could access the care, support and treatment they needed when they needed it. The provider had policies and procedures promoting equity in access had systems to check people’s calls weren’t missed. People told us staff were reliable. There was an out of hours system which people and staff could access to get advice at any time.
Equity in experiences and outcomes
Staff and leaders actively listened to information about people who are most likely to experience inequality in experience or outcomes and tailored their care, support and treatment in response to this. Staff supported people to achieve positive outcomes. Relatives gave examples of how staff had supported people sensitively and reassuringly to improve their health and wellbeing.
Planning for the future
People were supported to plan for important life changes, so they could have enough time to make informed decisions about their future, including at the end of their life. People, and relatives if appropriate, could discuss their wishes and preferences for their future care needs. This information was used to develop specific care plans, including end-of-life care if people chose to discuss this.