- Care home
Mariantonia House Residential Care Home
Report from 8 May 2024 assessment
On this page
- Overview
- Kindness, compassion and dignity
- Treating people as individuals
- Independence, choice and control
- Responding to people’s immediate needs
- Workforce wellbeing and enablement
People told us they felt they had control and Independence. People were able to make choices over how they wanted to spend their time during the day. Other aspects of daily life did not reflect service users having choice, control or independence. Decisions were made by staff and managers regarding how money was spent without the involvement of the individual.
This service scored 60 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.
Kindness, compassion and dignity
People and relatives told us they felt they were treated with kindness and compassion. However, the registered manager had not been clear with people about safeguarding concerns.
The registered manager and staff told us they treated service users with kindness. Staff had awareness of treating people with equality and diversity.
Initially the local authority had identified no concerns with how people in the service were treated. However following our visit the local authority had identified safeguarding concerns with how some decisions about how service users own money was spent being taken by the registered manager.
We saw staff taking time with people and supporting them with getting ready to go out. People appeared relaxed around staff.
Treating people as individuals
People and relatives told us they felt people were treated as individuals and some service users told us they enjoyed what they did through the day. However, people were not aware of the lack of a person centred approach with decisions made in isolation without the input of the individuals that the decisions concerned.
The regsitered manager told us they felt service users were treated as individuals and that how they spent their time at the service was their own choice.
We saw that staff spent time with people and encouraged people to get ready for going out. We saw people being given choices and support around their breakfast choices and what they wanted to wear.
Assessments and care plans did not always contain the information necessary to ensure an approach that treated people as individuals. There was a lack of a person centred approach with decisions made in isolation without evidence of the input of the individuals that the decisions concerned. There was a lack of systems and oversight to ensure people received care which respected them as individuals.
Independence, choice and control
People did not raise concerns about views and wishes not being listened to. However, people were not clear on how views were gathered or actioned by the registered manager.
Staff and leaders told us they felt they gave people choices and control over their care and support.
Some aspects for people’s care did not demonstrate an approach of supporting people with independence choice and control. The provider was unable to demonstrate where people had been supported to make choices and also control over how their finances were managed.
People care plans and assessments contained personalised information and care plans detailed the likes and dislikes of people. There was no clear system of review and no evidence of the involvement of people in these assessments. There were no processes to support the provider in ensuring that people's rights to make their own decisions and choices (even if they did not align with their own values and choices) would be made.
Responding to people’s immediate needs
People did not raise concerns about views and wishes not being listened to. However, people were not clear on how views were gathered or actioned by the registered manager.
The registered manager and staff felt that they understood and listened to the views of people. However, the registered manager was not able to demonstrate the system in which the views of service users were gained and actioned.
We saw staff respond and spend time with a person who expressed distress.
Workforce wellbeing and enablement
We did not look at Workforce wellbeing and enablement during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Caring.