- Care home
Wood Hill House
Report from 11 September 2024 assessment
On this page
- Overview
- Shared direction and culture
- Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders
- Freedom to speak up
- Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion
- Governance, management and sustainability
- Partnerships and communities
- Learning, improvement and innovation
Whilst some improvements had been made to the management and governance of the service, some concerns remained at the time of this inspection. Governance systems were not always robust, to identify ongoing concerns we found. We received mixed feedback from partners about how the service operated and shared information with them. Staff told us the culture within the team had improved and they felt supported in their roles.
This service scored 62 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.
Staff told us the culture in the service had improved. A staff member said, “The managers are brilliant, the service is going in the right direction.” And another staff member said, “Communication is better.” Flash meetings were now in place and covered a range of topics discussed with key staff on a daily basis. This had improved how the staff team operated and the overall communication within the team.
The service had clear visions and values which were displayed around the home. Further improvements could be made to ensure regular meetings were in place with staff, to enable them to be involved in the changes and direction of the service.
Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders
Staff told us the management team had improved and they felt the service was well led. Staff told us the management team cared about them and that they were approachable and fair. A staff member said, “The new managers come round and do all the checks, we see them a lot.”
Quality monitoring visits, undertaken by senior managers, did not evidence a robust audit had taken place or that concerns had been added to the ongoing service improvement plan. Since our last inspection the service had implemented an interim manager and a deputy manager. At the time of our inspection the interim manager was responsible for another nearby service, meaning they were not consistently present in the home. The interim manager told us the provider had plans to recruit a registered manager in the future, as the service progressed.
Freedom to speak up
Staff understood their responsibilities to whistle blow on poor practice. Staff told us they felt comfortable to report concerns and that action would be taken. A staff member said, “The manager always listens and takes action.”
Staff meetings had not taken place regularly, staff told us they were able to raise concerns or suggestions through supervisions and daily flash meetings. However, staff would benefit from regular structured meetings, particularly due to the many changes taking place at the service. Staff meetings were scheduled for the future and monthly reflection reports were in place, which detailed any lessons learned from incidents.
Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion
Staff told us managers were fair and that no one had been subject to any form of discrimination. A staff member said, “The managers are kind, we are treated as human beings.” And another staff said, “I can make suggestions and would be listened to, I can’t fault the managers, they are good.”
Policies and procedures were in place in relation to promoting staff equality and diversity. All staff were supported to develop their knowledge and skills, since our last inspection various training courses had been implemented for staff.
Governance, management and sustainability
Since our last inspection, some auditing and governance systems had been implemented. The manager had a weekly clinical report and conducted daily walk rounds, to ensure they had oversight of the service. Whilst audits were undertaken to monitor daily records, more robust systems were needed to ensure records were up to date. For example, some information relating to peoples dietary requirements were not included in daily flash meeting notes, this was a recording concern, staff were aware of people's needs and information relating to people's dietary needs was in place in kitchen areas and care records.
Governance and audit systems required improving to ensure they identified concerns found during our inspection such as concerns we identified in relation to capacity, records and environmental safety.
Partnerships and communities
At the time of our inspection, we were unable to gain feedback from people or relatives regarding partnerships and communities. Improvements were required to provide people with community engagement and meaningful activities.
Staff received regular supervisions and told us they were trained and supported in their roles. A staff member said, “The management team are really caring, I have noticed such a difference. We are treated as a team, and it is well led.”
We received mixed feedback from partners, about the service and how staff shared information with them. One professional told us the service was improving, but there were some outstanding actions to complete. Another professional said, “The renovations are a positive, as people will have their own living rooms, more space and better environment. Staff support people and are engaging with people. However, it has been difficult obtaining information and staff do not always have the knowledge about people’s care plans.”
Since our last inspection, systems were in place to ensure people were placed appropriately and the provider had undergone a period of moving people to better suited placements. There were concerns about how people accessed the building. On the day of the inspection, the inspection team struggled to access the building, and several professionals told us they also had access issues.
Learning, improvement and innovation
Staff had worked closely with the local authority and were keen to make improvements. A staff member said, “I have seen lots of improvements since we have had a new provider. There has been lots of refurbishment.”
Whilst some improvements were still required, we found a range of improvements since our last inspection and the ongoing action plan and service improvement plan recognised what was still required. Plans were in place for the service to utilise their onsite hydrotherapy pool and provide their own therapy teams, this was planned for the future when building works had been completed and the service were receiving new admissions. Many areas of the service had a complete refurbishment including new flooring, carpets and decoration, and plans were in place to implement this throughout, including a gymnasium.