Throughout the visit, staff made sure service users were treated with respect and dignity. Care was delivered in private and the home was organised with good interaction between staff and service users. Although the day was quiet, service users thoroughly enjoyed and took part in the afternoon planned activities.During the visit, we spoke to service users and two relatives. Service users said they 'liked living here', 'the staff are nice' and 'I get all the help I need'. Two relatives said 'they came regularly and were happy with the care their relative received'.
One service user had just finished breakfast and said;' I always have a good breakfast, toast, eggs and tea, if I want anything else, I ask and I get it.'
Other service users said the food was always nice, they could ask for what they want and none offered any complaints about the food. Two relatives said 'there is always enough food and one said they came every day and never saw a 'bad meal'.
We asked one person who used the service and looked after their own medicines about the support that they got from staff. They confirmed that staff gave them the support and help with their medicines that they needed. When staff order their medicines for them they get them in time.