A single inspector carried out this inspection. At the last inspection in February 2014, the provider was asked to take action to improve the training, supervision and appraisal of staff. At this inspection we found these issues had been addressed.We talked with five people using the service and two relatives. We looked at five people's care records and observed care being provided. We talked with three care staff and the manager. We examined the documentation related to quality audits and staff training.
This helped us to answer the questions below:
Is the service safe?
The home had policies in place to safeguard vulnerable adults from abuse and staff understood their role in safeguarding the people using the service.
There was guidance for staff on obtaining consent and the implications of the Mental Capacity Act. We saw that when people lacked the capacity to make decisions for themselves, processes were in place to ensure best interest decisions were made.
Individual risk assessments had been completed and people's care plans contained action to reduce the risks identified.
Is the service effective?
Care plans were reviewed and updated regularly to ensure they met the current needs of the people using the service. Care plans indicated that people had been involved in making decisions about the care and support they received because their personal preferences and individual needs were reflected. Most of the care plans had been signed by the people using the service or their relatives.
Equipment was available and utilised to meet the needs of the people using the service.
Visitors we spoke with told us they were able to visit at any time and they could see people in private.
Is the service caring?
We saw staff interacting with people in a caring and professional manner. People told us staff were kind, cheerful and helpful.
People's preferences and interests were documented and care and support provided in accordance with their wishes.
Activities were available to maintain people's well being and we saw examples of how their individual interests were identified and catered for.
Is the service responsive?
Staff were alert to the signs of ill health and acted promptly to obtain specialist advice and support for the people using the service.
There was a complaints policy in place and information was provided in the service user guide on how to make a complaint. People told us they had had no need to make a complaint but any small issues they had raised were dealt with by the staff or the manager.
Is the service well led?
There were systems in place to monitor and assess the quality of the service provided. Action plans were developed to address issues identified in the audits and improve the quality of the service.
Staff were provided with access to training and support relevant to their roles. A schedule for supervision and annual appraisal was in place.