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  • Homecare service

Bluebird Care Harrow and Brent

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

107 Kenton Road, Harrow, Middlesex, HA3 0AN (020) 8907 1514

Provided and run by:
MJ CareCentre Limited

Important: This service was previously registered at a different address - see old profile

Report from 20 November 2024 assessment

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Updated 19 December 2024

The rating has improved from requires improvement to good during this assessment. Staff were supported appropriately by the registered manager. Staff had their competency assessed to help ensure they had the appropriate skills and knowledge to effectively support people. People received care and support that met their individual needs and abilities. Staff were responsive to people’s needs and wishes. Information was accessible and people's views were listened to and acted on. Records were updated to help ensure they reflected people’s changing needs. People’s equality and diversity needs were respected and met. Staff monitored people’s health and wellbeing.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Assessing needs

Score: 3

People and relatives were involved in the care planning process. A care needs assessment had been carried out before people received care from the service. This was to help identify whether the service could meet people’s needs. Staff had access to people’s care plans and this was helpful to them when providing care and support to people. The registered manager told us staff regularly reviewed people’s care with the involvement of their relatives where appropriate to help ensure care plans accurately reflected people’s needs. Assessments covered a range of different areas and people’s needs. Assessments were based on best practice guidance and questions to help make a judgement about people’s care and support. Assessments had been regularly reviewed and updated. Information was personalised and included people’s choices and wishes.

Delivering evidence-based care and treatment

Score: 3

People and relatives told us the staff and management had a good understanding of people’s needs, including dementia and learning disabilities. A person said, “My care plan is reviewed and [the registered manager] is flexible and will amend the service to suit me and my needs.” The registered manager kept informed of best practices and shared this information with staff during team meetings. Staff explained they had access to training about people’s specific needs and were able to ask for more information and support. Senior staff shadowed new care staff and supported them to learn how to follow best practice. Staff were provided with guidance and additional training when needed. This had helped staff to deliver more appropriate care.

How staff, teams and services work together

Score: 3

People and their relatives told us the staff worked with them and other professionals. A person said, “[The agency] are also very good at interacting and communicating with other health professionals that are involved in my care.” Another person said, “I have a team of 5 different carers that work well together, they communicate with each other and keep me safe.” Staff told us they were supported in their work and felt valued working at the service. They spoke positively about communication within the agency and felt comfortable reaching out to their colleagues and management for support. A member of staff told us, “The office is very supportive. The support is amazing. The [registered manager] is amazing. [They] are very helpful. [They] are very supportive.” Another member of staff said, “The support I get is very good. It is perfect really.” Management communicated effectively with healthcare professionals. Systems were in place to help support communication between parties to encourage continuity of care. The service kept a record of key contacts for people so that staff knew who to liaise with.

Supporting people to live healthier lives

Score: 3

People and their relatives told us staff monitored their health and wellbeing and responded appropriately when people became unwell or needed further support. A person told us, “The carers are very well aware of my condition and fully appreciate the need for efficient intervention and importance of promoting an exercise regime.” Another person said, “They will encourage [my relative] to be involved with food preparation and they make sure she has a balanced diet and plenty to drink “ Staff were provided with information about people’s healthcare conditions and symptoms to be aware of. Staff monitored people and recorded their progress on daily notes which were held electronically. This included areas such as nutrition, hydration, activities and health concerns. There was a system in place to help ensure people’s health and wellbeing was monitored. Information about people’s health and wellbeing within care plans.

Monitoring and improving outcomes

Score: 3

Individual outcomes were set for people in their care plans and there was detail as to how these were to be achieved. People and relatives told us staff knew people well and were able to monitor their wellbeing and changes in their needs or health. Daily notes were completed electronically by staff. These enabled staff to monitor and respond to people’s changing needs promptly to help promote positive outcomes. Management audited and checked records and liaised closely with staff to ensure appropriate action was taken when monitoring and responding to people’s needs.

People were involved in their care and support where they were able to do so. A person told us, “I am treated with dignity and respect as they always ask me if it is ok before they do any tasks.” Staff had completed Mental Capacity Act (MCA) training. Staff were aware of the importance of giving people time to make their own decisions where possible. Management were aware of the importance of making decisions in people’s best interests and not imposing unnecessary restrictions on people. A MCA policy was in place. Care records included information about people’s capacity to make decisions and their communication needs.