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  • Care home

Pranam Care Centre

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

49-53 Northcote Avenue, Southall, Middlesex, UB1 2AY (020) 8574 9138

Provided and run by:
Woodhouse Care Homes Limited

Report from 24 June 2024 assessment

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Updated 30 August 2024

There were systems to learn when things went wrong. People knew how to make a complaint, felt they were listened to, and improvements were made because of these. Accidents, incidents and safeguarding alerts were investigated. Staff knew what to do if they felt someone was being abused or at risk of abuse. The staff worked with other professionals to learn how to safely care for people and how to help prevent falls. Risks to people's safety and wellbeing had been assessed, monitored and planned for. There were enough staff to keep people safe and meet their needs. The environment was safely maintained and clean. People received their medicines in a safe way and as prescribed.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Learning culture

Score: 3

People using the service knew how to make a complaint. They felt complaints were appropriately dealt with and responded to. They felt confident speaking to staff and the management team.

Staff explained they were supported to learn when things went wrong. They had meetings with the registered manager to discuss incidents, accidents and complaints. They were involved in learning where improvements were needed.

The registered manager organised a range of meetings and learning opportunities for staff. Records of these showed that there was learning from things that went wrong. Feedback from external partners confirmed this with 1 professional telling us, ''If [the registered manager] sees something wrong, or if I raise something; [they] call a meeting for staff to discuss this and go through this as a teaching session.''

Safe systems, pathways and transitions

Score: 3

People told us they had the support they needed to access healthcare services. They said they had been well supported when they moved to the home, and following hospital stays.

Staff understood who to contact to support people with transitions. They made timely referrals to other professionals and told us they had good communication with others.

External professionals told us staff were good at escalating concerns about people's wellbeing and ensuring they received the right support from other healthcare partners. One professional explained how they had worked with staff to support some people to move to more appropriate settings to meet their needs.

There were systems to help ensure good transitions when people were moving to the home and when they moved on. These included liaising with different professionals, thorough assessments and discussing people's needs and choices with them and their families.


Score: 3

People using the service told us they felt safe.

Staff explained they had undertaken training about safeguarding. They were able to tell us how they would recognise abuse and the actions they would take.

People were supported in a safe way by staff. Information about safeguarding people, and how to report concerns was on display.

There were suitable procedures for dealing with abuse. The provider had worked with the local authority and others to help investigate allegations of abuse and take action to protect people.

Involving people to manage risks

Score: 3

People told us they thought risks were well managed.

Staff explained they had received training to help provide safe care. This included learning about how to prevent and manage falls, how to move people safely, as well as supporting people to eat and drink. The staff were also undertaking training to better understand people's mental health needs and how to respond to verbal and physical challenges.

People were supported in a safe way. At mealtimes, staff sat with people and supported them in a calm and unhurried way. Staff were careful and considerate when supporting people to move around the building. People had the equipment they needed to stay safe and meet their individual needs.

The risks to people's safety and wellbeing were assessed and planned for. These risk assessments and management plans were regularly reviewed and updated. The provider had undertaken work to help prevent falling. This included analysing when falls had happened and looking at preventing these. They analysed all accidents and incidents. Learning from these was used to help update care plans and risk assessments. An external team of professionals were working with staff to help improve their understanding of how to reflect and learn from challenges to the service.

Safe environments

Score: 3

People told us they liked the environment. They had the equipment they needed. They were able to personalise their bedrooms.

Staff told us they were involved in carrying out checks on the safety of the building and equipment.

Some of the fire doors within the building did not automatically close. This presented a risk in the event of a fire and of people accessing hazardous areas such as stairways without staff knowledge or supervision. We discussed this with the management team. They took action to make sure staff ensured doors were closed after each use and to arrange for these to be repaired so they could automatically close again. Apart from the concerns around doors, we found the environment was well-maintained, clean, safe and decorated appropriately. There was enough equipment to meet people's needs. Furniture was in a good state of repair. There was signage to help orientate people. People had access to several different communal areas, and these were well utilised.

There were systems for ensuring checks were made on the environment and equipment. Where faults were identified, the provider acted to repair these.

Safe and effective staffing

Score: 3

People told us there were enough staff and they did not have to wait for care.

Staff told us they felt well supported. They had enough training and information to understand their roles and responsibilities. They had opportunities to meet with managers to discuss their work as a team and individually.

Staff were attentive and supported people when they needed. Staff were appropriately skilled and treated people well.

There were appropriate systems for recruiting and selecting staff. We found some staff files did not contain enough information about gaps in staff employment histories. The provider had not evidenced how they had requested this or explored these gaps with the staff. We discussed this with the provider who agreed to make sure this was followed up and recorded. There were systems to help make sure staff had the induction, training and support they needed.

Infection prevention and control

Score: 3

People told us they thought the home was clean and they were happy with the laundry service.

Staff had undertaken training around infection prevention and control. They told us they had enough personal protective equipment (PPE) and information they needed to help manage infections.

The environment was clean.

There were suitable systems for managing cleanliness, waste, laundry and responding to outbreaks of infections.

Medicines optimisation

Score: 3

People told us they were supported with their medicines.

Staff responsible for managing medicines understood about good practice. They received training around this, and their competencies, knowledge and skills were checked.

Medicines were stored securely and appropriately. There were suitable systems for ensuring medicines were well managed, including ordering, administering, recording and disposing of medicines. The staff worked with prescribing doctors to help make sure people received the right medicines and these were regularly reviewed.