- Dentist
Stalybridge Dental Care
All Inspections
8 October 2013
During a routine inspection
We saw that people's needs were assessed prior to any treatment being given and care and treatment was then planned and delivered in line with their individual treatment plan. People we spoke with confirmed that they were always given a written copy of their plan together with a full quote for the cost of the work involved.
We found that equipment such as X-ray and sterilising machines were appropriately used by trained staff and protocols were in place to ensure that such equipment was regularly serviced and maintained by an approved maintenance engineer. Records seen confirmed that such equipment had been serviced and appropriately maintained.
Staff told us that they were provided with good opportunities to further develop their knowledge and skills and to meet the requirements of their professional registration. We saw evidence of annual appraisals of the staff.
We found that the provider had systems in place to assess and monitor the quality of the service provided.
14 February 2012
During a routine inspection
They found the staff to be friendly and told us that they were treated with respect and their privacy was maintained.