- Homecare service
Green Care Services
All Inspections
27 March 2019
During a routine inspection
People’s experience of using this service :
People using the service were happy and well cared for. They were cared for in a way which reflected their preferences and met their needs. They liked the care assistants and told us they were polite, caring and kind. The care assistants arrived on time and stayed for the right length of time for each visit. People received their medicines in a safe way. They were involved in planning their care and making choices about this.
The staff were well supported and enjoyed working for the agency. They had access to a range of suitable training and had the skills they needed to care for people. The provider's recruitment procedures made sure only suitable staff were employed. They regularly met with their manager and discussed their work and any queries they had. The registered manager assessed the staff in the work place to make sure they were following procedures and delivering effective care.
There were procedures designed to safeguard people from abuse, and the staff were familiar with these. The staff recorded any accidents, incidents or complaints and these were investigated and responded to. The staff were provided with protective clothing, such as gloves and aprons.
There were systems in place for monitoring the quality of the service and making improvements. The registered manager liaised with people using the service, relatives and staff to ask for their feedback and ideas. There were a range of suitable policies and procedures which the people using the service and staff had access to.
Rating at last inspection: This was the first inspection of the service since it was registered on 29 April 2018.
Why we inspected: We inspected the service as part of our scheduled programme of inspections based on the date of registration.
Follow up: We will continue our ongoing monitoring or the service and visit again in line with our schedule of inspections based on the rating of Good, or sooner if needed.
For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk