• Doctor
  • GP practice

Dr Sinnadurai Thillainathan

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

269 Bowes Road, Southgate, London, N11 1BD (020) 8368 4455

Provided and run by:
Dr Sinnadurai Thillainathan

Report from 12 August 2024 assessment

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Updated 11 December 2024

We assessed all quality statements for this key question. We combined the scores for this area and rated the key question as good. We found staff treated people equally and without discrimination. The practice knew the needs of the practice population and provided services to meet those needs. There was an effective appointment system and complaints were managed effectively. The provider complied with legal equality and human rights requirements.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Person-centred Care

Score: 3

People felt their needs were met by the service. This included flexible appointments, and the ability to discuss their care needs in their own language through a translation service. The provider would do all it could to ensure their care needs were met.

Staff and leaders at the service told us that the service was committed to providing both care and referral to other services that best met patient's needs. They told us they would involve patients in decisions about their care and which service they could be referred to, if applicable.

Care provision, Integration and continuity

Score: 3

Staff and leaders told us that they understood the needs of its patients and tailored services in response to those needs. This included baby clinics, long term condition management, NHS health checks, vaccinations and minor surgery. They detailed processes by which care information was shared with services that patients were referred to. This included secondary care, alcohol advice and smoking cessation.

The service's partner organisations reported that they were satisfied with the way in which the service provided care with integrity and continuity.

The provider understood the needs of its population and provided services in response to those needs.

Providing Information

Score: 3

People said that staff listened to their needs and provided them with appropriate information to help with their care needs.

Staff and leaders we spoke with told us that they would provide patients with information about both their condition or their care pathway where relevant. Where patient's needs could not be met, staff referred them to appropriate services to continue their care.

The service had processes in place to ensure that staff had the training and guidance to provide good care, and to ensure that this was monitored with shared learning.

Listening to and involving people

Score: 3

People said that they were listened to by staff. Staff understood their needs and were able to provide support. There were positive outcomes from both the NHS Friends and Family Test (FFT) and the National GP patient survey. When there were concerns, the practice followed these through.

Leaders told us that they took listening to patients seriously. Staff were aware of the need to involve patients in decisions relating to their care, particularly if they were being referred to another service. They provided examples of how complaints had fed into service development.

The service had developed a framework to develop systems of feedback that were accessible to all patient groups. As well as a robust complaints system, patients were also sent a questionnaire following a consultation to request feedback on their visit and what they would like to see improved. The responses were discussed at team meetings.

Equity in access

Score: 3

People were able to contact the practice and receive an appointment with a clinician the same day. There were no long waiting times to see staff at the practice.

Leaders at the service said that they had increased the types of appointments that were available to decrease any waiting times for patients. As well as GP appointments, patients could also have an appointment with a clinical pharmacist or the practice nurse. Evidence was provided of an action plan that was being followed through to address some low scores on the National GP patient survey.

The service primarily provided face to face appointments. Online and telephone appointments were also available but rarely used. Home visits were available throughout the day if requested. There were processes in place to ensure that all patients could access services in a timely manner.

Equity in experiences and outcomes

Score: 3

Feedback provided by people using the service, both to the provider as well as to CQC, was positive. Staff treated people equally and without discrimination.

Leaders proactively sought ways to address any barriers to improving people's experience and worked with local organisations, including within the voluntary sector, to address any local health inequalities. Staff understood the importance of providing an inclusive approach to care and made adjustments to support equity in people's experience and outcomes.

The provider had processes to ensure people could register at the practice, including those in vulnerable circumstances such as homeless people and travelers. Staff used appropriate systems to capture and review feedback from people using the service, including those who did not speak English or have access to the internet.

Planning for the future

Score: 3

Leaders stated that notes were written fully and explained all future steps for patient care. It was noted on patient notes where carers and family members had been informed and discussions about future care had taken place. DNACPR (Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) certificates had been received for all patients that were residents of the care homes that the GPs had oversight of.

Appropriate processes were in place, which included full documentation on patient notes, to ensure planning for the future. DNACPR certificates were documented. A palliative care register was in place and up to date, with appropriate policy and procedures in place to manage this.