- GP practice
Bevan Group Practice
Report from 6 November 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
Date of Assessment: 4 and 5 December 2024. Bevan Group Practice is a GP practice which provides a range of primary medical services from its location at Beaconsfield Primary Care Centre, Bevan Way, Widnes, WA8 6TR. The provider also operates a branch surgery at West Bank Medical Centre, Lower Church Street, West Bank, Widnes, WA8 0NG. We looked at 23 quality statements across the safe, effective, responsive and well led key questions and have combined the scores from the last inspection. We found the service had a positive learning culture where lessons were learnt from individual complaints and incidents. Medicines were managed and stored safely. There was a system for recording and acting on safety alerts, however the service was unable to demonstrate that all relevant safety alerts had been acted upon. Safeguarding matters were discussed, however, there were no meetings with local partners, such as health visiting teams, to review vulnerable children. There were appropriate staffing levels and skill mix to ensure safe and effective staffing, however, staff working at the branch surgery sometimes worked alone. Appropriate monitoring and reviews were in place for people with long term conditions, however, our review of patients that may have had a potential missed diagnosis of diabetes, showed some patients had not been followed up appropriately. There were systems to ensure staff were up to date with relevant legislation, evidence-based practice and required standards. Information was shared between teams and services to ensure continuity of care. Leaders were capable, compassionate and inclusive. Staff and leaders acted with openness, honesty and transparency. There were clear and effective governance, management and accountability arrangements.