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  • Homecare service

Noblesse Care Ltd

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Unit 1-3, Wyvern Estate, Beverley Way, New Malden, KT3 4PH

Provided and run by:
Noblesse Care Ltd

Report from 11 November 2024 assessment

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Updated 2 December 2024

This was the first assessment of this registered service under a new provider, and we therefore assessed all 8 quality statements associated with this key question. Based on the findings of this assessment, our rating for this key question is good. This meant people were safe and protected from avoidable harm. People were kept safe and were protected from avoidable harm, and care workers understood their responsibilities in relation to safeguarding procedures. The provider followed current guidance regarding infection prevention and control. There were robust pre-recruitment checks in place and staff received training that was relevant to their roles.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Learning culture

Score: 3

People told us when they made a complaint or raised a concern. Staff listened and acted on their feedback.

Staff told us they recorded any incidents and accidents on their daily care notes, and these were reviewed by the registered manager. Staff told us that team meetings were used to share information including any learning.

The provider had established systems in place to log any incidents and accidents, safeguarding concerns, and complaints. These were all reviewed by the registered manager. There were incident forms in place and incident reports were included in care worker’s handbooks

Safe systems, pathways and transitions

Score: 3

People told us the assessment process when they first began to use the service was smooth.

The registered manager spoke about the assessment process that was in place when people first started to use the service, including any referrals for new placements.

We did not receive any feedback from external health and social care professionals, however records seen indicated there were no concerns in this area.

The provider carried out an assessment of people’s needs before they began to use the service. This meant they were able to plan any resources such as staff rotas and visit plans.


Score: 3

People, and their relatives, told us they felt safe receiving a service form the provider. Comments included, “Yes, I feel safe” and “She is safe.”

Staff were aware of safeguarding procedures. They knew how to recognise and report abuse and were able to tell us the signs of abuse. A member of staff told us, “Safeguarding means to protect the clients from harm, we have to write everything down and report it to the manager.” The registered manager understood their legal responsibility in relation to reporting any safeguarding concerns. She confirmed there were no current safeguarding concerns.

Training records showed that staff received safeguarding adults training as part of their mandatory training. There was a safeguarding policy in place and staff were issued with a handbook which directed staff on reporting procedures.

Involving people to manage risks

Score: 3

People told us staff supported them to lead independent lives, safe from the risk of harm. Comments included “They help her with her independence.”

Staff were aware of the risks to people and the steps they would take to keep them safe form harm.

Care plans included details about possible risks to people and how to manage the risk. The registered manager carried out spot checks on staff which included observing that they supported people in a safe way. Training records showed staff had received relevant training such as moving and handling. Transfers and repositioning assessments contained detailed information about how to transfer people safely. Moving and handling assessments included details of support and method of transfer required.

Safe environments

Score: 3

People told us staff helped to keep their homes free from clutter.

Managers and staff told us they supported people to live safely in their homes.

There were effective arrangements to monitor the safety and maintenance of the premises. An environmental risk assessment was carried out to identify potential hazards in people’s homes and steps were taken to mitigate this..

Safe and effective staffing

Score: 3

People told us there were always enough staff available to support them. Comments included, “Their timekeeping is very good”, “They have the right training”, “I have a team of carers, the same carers and they stick to their time” and “They let me know if they are running late, they message me.” People said the staff were appropriately trained. One person said, “The whole team is well qualified and performs their duties in a very efficient and professional manner.”

Staff said they were happy with the training and support they received. A member of staff said, “They give good training, very good. Its face to face and online and gets renewed every year.” Staff told us they felt supported by their managers and were able to discuss any issues in individual supervision and team meetings.

The provider operated robust recruitment processes which helped to ensure staff were recruited safely. This included checks on right to work, identity and Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) who provide information including details about previous convictions and cautions held on the Police database. Staff received relevant training to support them in their roles, this was a mixture of e-learning and face to face training.Training and supervision records showed staff had access to appropriate training and supervision opportunities.

Infection prevention and control

Score: 3

People told us staff helped them to keep the environment clean.

Managers and staff told us they had received up to date infection control training. There were adequate stock supplies of infection control equipment such as gloves, masks, aprons and shoe covers.

The provider had appropriate policies in place in relation to infection prevention and control. Training records showed that staff had received training in this area too.

Medicines optimisation

Score: 3

None of the people using the service required support with medicines at the time of the assessment, and records indicated no concerns in this area.

Staff told us they had received the appropriate training and were confident in administering medicines to people, when required.

The provider had effective medicines management systems in place. For example, staff had received training in medicines administration and there were relevant up to date policies in place.