- Care home
Eden Holme Care
Report from 9 May 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
An assessment of Eden Holme Care was carried out on 17 October 2024, with an on-site visit to the service. Off site assessment activity continued until 29 October 2024. Eden Holme Care is a care home. A care home provided accommodation for persons who required nursing or personal care. The home is registered to support up to 50 people with a variety of needs, including nursing care. The most recent inspection report was published 8 October 2022. The overall rating for the service was required improvement. We assessed 19 quality statements under the key questions of safe, caring, responsive and well led. The provider evidenced how they had made improvements in the service by developing systems and having processes in place to identify, monitor and mitigate risks to keep people safe, including following safe recruitment guidelines and safe management of medicines. We assessed these quality statements as good and the overall rating for the service has changed to good.
People's experience of this service
People were consistently positive about the standard of care they received at Eden Holme Care. People were involved in the planning and review of their care. There were enough staff available to meet people’s needs. Staff were trained and assessed to be competent to support people safely. People were safe and knew who to raise any concerns to. Where required people were supported to manage their medicines safely. People were supported to make choices and were treated with respect.