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  • Care home

Rosevilla Residential Home

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Penkford Lane, Collins Green, Warrington, Cheshire, WA5 4EE (01925) 228637

Provided and run by:
Rosevilla Residential Home Limited

Report from 6 June 2024 assessment

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Updated 3 July 2024

People told us they knew how to make a complaint if needed. Processes in place were person centered and staff discussed how they provided bespoke care which was in line with people’s preferences and choices. People had input from other important health care professionals where needed to ensure any important changes in their care needs were planned for and assessed

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Person-centred Care

Score: 3

Everyone we spoke with said they felt well looked after and cared for by staff. Some comments included; “My [family member] loves the girls, they are all very caring.” “From what I can see the food is good. We are offered a Sunday lunch to have with our relatives if we want.” “There is no visiting time, you can come whenever and they are very welcoming.”

All of the staff we spoke with understood what person centered care was. One staff member said “It’s treating people as an individual” Another staff member said “No two people are the same we are all different and like different things.” All staff spoken with felt care plans provided them with a good level of information about the person, their likes, dislikes, and preferences.

Conversation between staff and people showed staff knew people well. For example, a staff member was heard talking to a person about their son, the staff member knew where the persons [relative] lived and engaged the person in conversation about them and where they lived. Another staff member spoke with a person about where they used to work. One person had had photographs of their family displayed on their wall and said how important it was for them to have those around them. Most people sat in the dining room for their meals however staff were observed taking meals to people who preferred to eat in the lounge. Meals taken to people outside of the dining room were placed on trays and covered up. The laundry service was efficient and well organised, and people’s clothing was treated with care.

Care provision, Integration and continuity

Score: 3

One family member discussed with us how happy they were their relative had appropriate referrals that had been made for them to other professionals including SALT and Falls team.

The registered manager told us how they work with other professionals to ensure people have access to good care and support.

The local authority spoke positively regarding the care provision at Rosevillas and the way staff treated people. They commented “Feedback received from individuals and family member has been positive and families have reported a difference within the team and feel that their loved one is receiving the correct level of support within Rosevilla.”

People’s care records demonstrated that a multi-disciplinary approach was taken to care provisions, where necessary and appropriate, external professionals were involved in people's care, for example, dieticians and GP’s. A log of any professional visit was recorded in a dedicate section of people's care records.

Providing Information

Score: 3

Relatives told us they were kept up to speed regarding their family member's condition.

Staff told us there was information provided for people who required it in different and more accessible formats.

There was information regarding safeguarding, advocacy and complaints which was available in different formats to support peoples understanding.

Listening to and involving people

Score: 3

All of the people and relatives we spoke with said they knew how to complain. One relative said they would go to the care staff if they had any concerns.

Staff told us they always try to spend time with people and listen to their needs. One staff member said “I like sitting with the residents it is the best part of the job.” The registered manager told us they involve staff in reviews around people’s care and support.

There was a complaints procedure. We viewed a sample of complaints and found they had been responded to appropriately. We did feedback we felt some more detail would be beneficial when communicating the final decision of the investigation. We raised this with the registered manager at the time of our inspection.

Equity in access

Score: 3

People were not sure about this question, however they had nothing negative to say and felt they were treated fairly.

Staff told us they would challenge any decisions made by other health professionals if they felt they were unfair or not reflective of the person's needs.

We received positive feedback from the local commissioning team about Rosevillas and their ability to ensure people could access treatment.

People's care records demonstrated that where people required the support and intervention of external health care professionals, this was provided. This demonstrated people had access to the care they needed.

Equity in experiences and outcomes

Score: 3

Relatives told us their family members had access to health care when needed and did not experience inequalities.

Staff and the registered manager have re-referred people for support if they felt the first outcome was not appropriate.

There was multi-disciplinary records in place and regular reviews of peoples care plans and risk assessments to ensure they were a true reflection.

Planning for the future

Score: 3

People did not wish to answer this question, however we understand there are plans in place for people and end of life planning.

Staff said there was information in care plans regarding people’s end of life choices and support.

The care plans we viewed had information in around end of life and what choices had been made.