- Independent mental health service
Providence House and Moira House
Report from 20 January 2025 assessment
We assessed all the quality statements from this key question. the rating from the last inspection, was good. Our rating for this key question is good. Staff assessed the mental and physical health needs of young people on admission which meant staff had identified key physical health needs and developed a comprehensive care plan. The service provided a full range of treatment for patients. All young people had a psychologist and access to therapy groups. Patients had up to date care plans in place, these were always personalised, and patients were always involved in the development of their care plans. Patient’s care met their needs or reflect their protected characteristics. For example, care plans reflected dietary conditions or different genders that the young people identified as. Staff always supported patients to lead healthier lives. We saw outdoor activity encouraged. Staff offered activities and advice to support patients with healthy eating and to take more exercise.