- Homecare service
Paramount Options Ltd
Report from 3 June 2024 assessment
On this page
- Overview
- Learning culture
- Safe systems, pathways and transitions
- Safeguarding
- Involving people to manage risks
- Safe environments
- Safe and effective staffing
- Infection prevention and control
- Medicines optimisation
The service people received was safe and there were suitable numbers of appropriately recruited staff employed to meet their needs. This meant people were supported to live safely. Any risks to people were assessed, monitored, and recorded, by the registered manager and staff as required. Accidents, incidents, and safeguarding concerns were reported, investigated, and recorded appropriately. Staff were trained to administer, prompt and support people to take their medicines, if required. Infection control procedures were followed.
This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.
Learning culture
We did not look at Learning culture during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Safe.
Safe systems, pathways and transitions
We did not look at Safe systems, pathways and transitions during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Safe.
People and their relatives said they felt very safe using the service and the support received was of the standard required by them. People and their relatives told us staff who supported people knew how to keep them safe. People and their relatives were confident in raising concerns they might have and knew how to do this if they felt there were safety issues. Where possible, people and those important to them were supported to understand how to raise concerns when they did not feel safe.
Staff, and the management team gave positive feedback, regarding people receiving the standard of care they required. The management team supported staff to safeguard people from the risk of abuse, and they had received relevant, up to date training to achieve this. Staff knew how to recognise abuse, neglect, protect people from its different forms and to report any concerns to the management team. The provider knew their responsibility to refer safeguarding incidents to the relevant external agencies without delay, ensure they were fully investigated and to take appropriate proactive action to minimise the risk of similar incidents being repeated. The management team and staff said the culture of the service enabled people, relatives, and staff to raise concerns without fear about what might happen. Staff understood their duty to protect people from abuse and how and when to report any concerns they had to the management team.
The provider's safeguarding policy and processes were in line with current, relevant legislation. Records demonstrated any safeguarding concerns were reported to the registered manager, recorded, and reported promptly to the relevant external agencies. Where appropriate, people and those important to them were involved in this process and informed about what action would be taken to keep people safe. Care plans provided clear information and sufficient guidance to enable staff to keep people safe.
Involving people to manage risks
People and their relatives said they received a good standard of care. Any risks to people’s safety were well managed, without unnecessary restrictions. People’s relatives said staff knew how to support people with known risks and that they were involved in planning the care they received.
The feedback from the management team and staff demonstrated risks to people were safely managed and staff received relevant training to help them keep people safe. Staff understood risks posed to people and knew how they would reduce the risk of injury or harm.
Any risks to people were assessed, and care plans put in place to help staff prevent or minimise the identified risks, where possible. The risks included supporting people with their mobility, and personal care. This meant staff received up to date information about the action they should take to manage these risks and keep people safe. There were systems for staff to report concerns, incidents, and accidents. This enabled the provider to have oversight of and be able to manage risks. The management team completed regular audits and care plans updated if new risks were identified.
Safe environments
We did not look at Safe environments during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Safe.
Safe and effective staffing
People and their relatives told us there were suitable numbers of well trained staff to support them, appropriately, which they did. They said that the staff provided were friendly, attentive and efficient.
The management team and staff feedback demonstrated there were enough staff to support people with their care and support needs. The management team, reviewed staffing levels regularly to make sure there were enough suitably skilled and experienced staff deployed to meet people’s needs.
The staff duty rotas showed there were enough staff to meet people's needs safely. The provider completed pre-employment recruitment checks prior to employment, to make sure that only appropriate, and suitable staff were employed. This included checks with the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) who provide information including details about convictions and cautions held on the Police National Computer. The information helps employers make safer recruitment decisions.
Infection prevention and control
We did not look at Infection prevention and control during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Safe.
Medicines optimisation
We did not look at Medicines optimisation during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Safe.